Let’s talk the not so cool bottom issue of anal glands!

female jack Russell who is going on 3 and has had her glands squeezed now twice a year since she was 9 weeks old. Sure, you can go online and find out lots of information about what they are and how they effect your dog but they are not all the same I have a friend whose little Frenchie leaks brown fluid and smells and mine who scoots along the grass and has just a fishy odour when they need doing, but one day they smell and the next she is all good again no smell, so the issue for me here is to squeeze or not to squeeze does it make it worse or can you treat it with food.  

An emergency clinic vet told me one day that it is like an allergy sort of like hay fever in humans but is this true there is so much research out there that it gets confusing who do you believe. I was told a high fibre diet for her was the best way to treat the issue at hand but nope that didn’t work I tried changing her food around to rawer less cooked then more cooked less raw and so on but still she has an issue.

have also tried giving her chewy gland treatment but nope no help no change. I know have her on some vegan dry kibble to see if it helps so ill keep you posted on how it goes but for now, I will do more research on the issue at hand. If anyone out there has any tips and tricks, I would love too here from you all.


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